
Ode to my computer

You didn't turn on a few days ago
but I was hoping that was something small.
I brought you to the experts
but apparently there's no cure.
There's something that they could do
but they said it's too much hassle for a computer like you.

I just want to thank you all the time you spent on my desk
working more than anything else.
I really appreciate all you have done
sometimes until late and no rest at all.
I treated you as well as I could,
I hope you can say your life's been good.

Now it's time to say goodbye
I have to say I'll miss you for a long while.
Another one might replace you at some stage
but I will never forget the one that came first.
I'm kind of sad
but I suppose life is like that.


Anonymous said...

Poesia i tecnologia, quina barreja. Sento la pèrdua, Cris.

Cris said...

Ei bonica!
Benvinguda al blog!
Doncs sap greu que l'ordinador hagi deixat de funcionar... però què hi farem?! Suposo que... tot fós això a la vida, oi?!
Ara sóc una "okupa" de l'ordinador d'algú altre. Espero que no sigui per gaire temps...