Embolcalls i embalatges
Feia dies que tenia pendent canviar la tinta de l'impressora. Per fi ho he fet. He de dir que he necessitat una estona per obrir les diferents capses i he quedat esparverada de la quantitat de residus que han quedat sobre la taula després d'haver aconseguit el meu objectiu. Ara faré la separació i classificació corresponent (plàstic, cartró...), però em pregunto si realment són necessaris tants embalatges.
Buf, em fa por pensar la quantitat d'embolcalls que qui sap on aniran a parar durant aquests dies de Nadal!
Los lunes no ayudan al optimismo, verdad? jejeje.
Yo últimamente rechazo las bolsas y envoltorios en farmacias y resto de comercios; o lo intento.
¡Yo también hago como tú! Cada granito de arena cuenta...
A few years ago in Sweden people started to remove extra packaging and leave it on the supermarket counter as a protest against over-packaging. It worked to some extent!
In Ireland, however, it is apparently illegal to 'dump' packaging at the supermarket. Or so I have heard anyway. This is scandalous - what kind of country makes a law that prevents people from protesting against something which is harmful for the planet and for future generations, and is just totally unnecessary? I have to find out if it is true, but that is what I've been told! Amazing!
Thanks, Cris, for your thoughts on all of these ethical and interesting questions! :D
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